Solar Palace
7 m fra hotellet
En guide til gode steder i nærheden af Hotel Solar Palace SPA & Wellness
7 m fra hotellet
Free WiFi here is supposed to be fairly fast. The estimated speed is 7.5 Mbps as of February 18, 2015
148 m fra hotellet
Jaszczurcza Góra 28
Piknik country definitywnie czasy świetności ma za sobą choć obiekt nowy to jednak daleko do Europy
182 m fra hotellet
The wine selection is actually fantastic. Great pool and waterside for kids. Gym ok.
272 m fra hotellet
Ulica Gizycka 6
Miejscowka faktycznie swietna! Widok z balkonu na jezioro.
1.1 km fra hotellet
Roosevelta 25a
1.2 km fra hotellet